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Energy Audit Presentation Template

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Transcript: HOW MY FAMILY IS ENERGY EFFICIENT take long showers use car more than bike doesn't use normal amount of water when brushing teeth/use no water,wash hands use AC more then fan HOW MY MOM IS ENERGY EFFICIENT My mom is also very energy efficient she only washes the clothes in the washing machine if it's 20 pairs of clothes or over and she hates it when we waste energy.My mom has to juggle with telling us to recycle instead of putting it in the garbage. My dad is very energy efficient.When ever he leaves a room he turns the light off he evens reminds my brother to turn off the light in his room.My dad also takes maximum 10 min of shower time.The way that my dad supports the house is buying safe energy efficient light bulbs. I'm very energy efficient I never leave a room without turning the light off and I take maximum 5 min shower! I RECYCLE and I put the tap on a reasonable amount.I would always like to ride my bike instead of taking my parents car also use a fan when I get hot instead of using the air conditioner. HOW MY DAD IS ENERGY EFFICIENT getting more energy efficient appliances buying a compost use the water in the house wisely walking instead of driving a car taking maximum 10 min shower HOW MY FAMILY ISN'T ENERGY EFFICIENT ENERGY AUDIT. BY: RA'ED HOW MY SISTER IS ENERGY EFFICIENT HOW I'M ENERGY EFFICIENT My sister is OK in being energy efficient.When she's leaving the washroom she leaves the light on.Also when she washing the dishes she puts the tap on full power.She ALWAYS takes the longest shower 20 min minimum. My brother is really bad at being energy efficient.He never recycles he keeps the water running when he's brushing he's teeth also he leaves the light on when he's leaving the room,I never seen him be energy efficient. HOW MY BROTHER IS ENRGY EFFICIENT all appliances in house are energy efficient and appliances are off peek times energy saving options are turned on for cell phones and devices

Energy Audit

Transcript: 7 hours per week week 2 wattage: Television week 1 wattage: pumping water week 1 wattage: 1000 watts a week Cooling food 84 hours per week light 56000 watts per week how many hours is it used per week: 168 hours a week sound 12 hours per week how many hours is it used per week: pool pump computer with monitor 5 hours per week what is the electricity used for: how many hours is it used per week: what is the electricity used for: Energy Audit what is the electricity used for: 16550 watts per week week 1 wattage: week 1 wattage: spin blades week 2 wattage: week 2 wattage: week 1 wattage: how many hours is it used per week: how many hours is it used each week: 2400 watts per week fridge and freezer sound what is the electricity used for: how many hours per week is it used: how many hours per week is it used: 500 watts per week bed lamp 15 minutes week 2 wattage: What is the electricity used for: light and sound week 2 wattage: Electric piano Nutri- bullet 2400 watts per week week 2 wattage: how many hours a week is it used: what is the electricity used for: 55500 watts per week 5 hours per week what is he electricity used for: 1000 watts a week 3000 watts per week week 2 wattage: 150 watts per week week 1 wattage: stereo 500 watts per week week 1 wattage: week 2 wattage: 3150 watts per week what is the electricity used for: week 1 wattage: 16800 watts per week 2400 watts per week 56 hours per week 2300 watts per week 150 watts per week light , sound and entertainment


Transcript: Do not estimate when you can calculate! Do not calculate when you can measure! Pre-audit presentation. Collection of data / information. Measurements and monitoring with instruments. Computation and in-depth analysis. Post-audit presentation to discuss the Energy Conservation Opportunities identified by the audit team. "The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy, using systems and procedures so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of output while holding constant or reducing total costs of producing the output from these systems" Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision making in the area of energy management. Energy Audit An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flow in a plant, process to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). It is done to identify energy saving opportunities. Why to audit energy? Introduction ENERGY AUDIT METHODOLOGY ENERGY AUDIT Need for Energy Audit For economic development of any country, energy is needed. Energy Audit initially become popular in response to the energy crisis of 1973 and later years. Interest in Energy Audit has recently increased as a result of growing understanding of human impact upon global warming and climate changes. Energy Management Understand your energy consumption and utility bill Understand the energy efficiency of your home Learn specific ways to improve energy efficiency and lower your bill To know the reliability of energy supply. The primary objective of energy audit is to determine the ways to reduce the energy consumption and to lower operating cost. Assessing present pattern of energy consumption in different cost centers of operations. Identifying potential areas of thermal and electrical energy economy. Highlighting wastage in major areas Presented by: B.Shalini - 075 T.Sandeep - 111 C.Srikanth - 116 Objectives

Energy Audit

Transcript: This Energy Audit is used to find our weak spots in energy conservation. Using the information I gathered, We are using too much electricity and water. Along with a low electricity efficiency, our outdated appliances also use up more water. Our dishwasher alone uses up to 10 gallons per load, while newer ones use as few as 3 gallons. If we use too much water, we will get charged more for water bills, and lead to us being unable to buy more electrically efficient appliances. Transportation How We Fix The Going Where The Money Goes Solutions There are many solutions to completing this, but very many cannot be done comfortably. We would be required to cut back on electrical usage considerably, which would mean having to buy more energy efficient appliances. This would put strain on our money in the short term, but will eventually save that money in the long term. However, electricity is not the only thing that we waste energy with. We also use almost 1.5 times the average water consumption in the USA. In order to fix that problem, we would need to upgrade appliances, such as our dishwasher and toilets, to energy efficient models. However, even though it is not the most pressing matter, we can still afford to cut back on other usages such as waste and transportation. The good news is, is that we do not produce that much solid waste. We recycle nearly all of what we can, and reuse many things. This, in turn, allocates more space in landfills for others, and less strain on the environment. However, we still consume much as a family, leading to a baseline amount of trash we can't decrease past. If we were to cut down on what we took in, there wouldn't be as much that came out. How Will We Go Introduction Our biggest source of energetic waste is our overuse of electricity. Our computers run all day, our phones are constantly charging, and we are still constantly using halogen lightbulbs throughout the house. These factors pile up, and waste electricity on useless things, such as lighting an empty room, or a computer that nobody is using. It's not just the fact that nobody turns things off that wastes energy however. Our appliances are also inefficient, and terribly out of date. However, there are ways to fix these problems. We need to upgrade our home appliances to newer energy efficient ones, and possibly reduce the use of technology such as computers and phones. With these changes we'll be able to save immense amounts of energy per year, and waste less energy altogether Where All Of Our Stuff Goes How We Go Electricity In conclusion, we will need to begin to replace our appliances one at a time over the next few years or so, as we would need to save money to buy these for a while. Yet, even though we use a higher than average rate of electricity and water, we are still rather energy efficient, as we recycle almost everything, and produce very little trash for landfills. We are a very efficient family with inefficient tools. Our household produces 22 TONS of Carbon Dioxide a year. If everyone on Earth lived the same way we did, we would need 4.6 Earths to support our needs. We need to change this. Energy Audit Reflection Waste Where The Energy Goes Water Unfortunately, our cars have a very, very low fuel efficiency. Our trusty old Jeep and Honda only get about 12 miles per gallon of fuel. This is not the worst fuel efficiency of cars on the road right now, but it is nowhere near efficient. With most cars nowadays get around 25-30 miles per gallon, and hybrids getting up to 60, our cars have been seriously outdated. Yet, the cost of buying a brand new car is rather expensive, so I will not force you to buy one or two. However, we can still cut back on emissions by driving less throughout the year, and using up to date methods of navigation so we don't waste fuel by getting lost. Throughout this presentation, I have listed many different solutions to our energy conservation problem. However, the most viable and affordable would be to slowly replace all of our inefficient appliances, and upgrade to top of the line products. This way, we can start saving money on our electric bill, and putting less strain on the environment at the same time. This idea will also work to cut back on the water necessary to use some appliances like our dishwasher or washing machine. Conclusion This project went over well with my family. They agreed to help implement my ideas and begin to be more efficient as a whole. They enjoyed the presentation and thought I did well. From a professional view, I believe they made the right decision. They're opting for a cheaper and more environmentally friendly lifestyle, and I'm all for that. From an objective standpoint, I think they made a very smart choice, as they will save money and resources. From an economical standpoint, they will be coming out better than going in, as they will not have to spend as much on electricity and water.

Energy Audit

Transcript: The metal material of the pipe is extremely bad at holding in heat, and instead of getting hot air to the offices, it is leaking out of the pipe into the attic and outside The layout of the upstairs offices gives more heat to the outside (since heat wants to go to the coldest area it can find, and most times of the year that is outside) than the offices, a total waste of energy and money for the Center To fix this, the entire layout of the upstairs of the offices needs to be changed, and the heater taken out of the closet Although costly, the Center will see the money they put out saved very shortly, as the energy and heat going to the offices will not be wasted The most important part of the whole house - the downstairs offices - are losing heat due to a easitly fixable aluminum pipe conductive problem in the attic - Stonework in the basement should be replaced - Insulation added to pipe in the attic to avoid heat loss to outside - Monthly checks are to be done to look for holes - which let heat out of the building - Upstairs office layout Conductive heat loss is happening through the cracks of the basement, probably making for the biggest source of heat loss in the whole house The Road Ahead Harris the Cat, the namesake of the Harris Center, who belonged to Eleanor Briggs, granddaughter of Dr. Vernon, the original owner of the home Harris Center - 5 Miles Insulate Pipe in Attic This can be fixed by covering the pipe with some kind of rubber or foam material Changes to be made to increase the Harris Center's energy efficiency The Basement Foundation Upstairs Offices I recommend monthly checks for these holes, as well as any other damage to the outside of the building Outside of the Harris Center, there are a great deal of holes, which let out convective heat, and they can be easily fixed and save the Center in unnecessary heating costs Moisture is coming into the basement, and even with three humidifiers, the basement foundation is continuing to crumble Fix holes on outside of building The stonework in the basement needs to be replaced, not only because it is a safety issue, but it's an energy issue as well

Energy Audit

Transcript: By: Lea Rioux THE END! Energy Audit What Will We Consider? How Many: Continue Phantom Power Soucres Item 1 Lights Item 2 Major Appliances Item 3 Hot Water Tanks Stop Fans Start Etc... The Information Gathered. What We Found! Wins Amount of each type of light bulb: 8 fluorescent light bubls 8 curly light bulbs 8 mini ligh bulbs 32 regular ligh bubls Initiatives Total amount of light bulbs: 56 light bulbs Top Performers The houses heat source is a wood stove (furnace) and electric. What the houses heat source is: New Business Hot water tank: How many: one Size: 40 gallons Age: 9 years old Losses Major appliances: How many: 9 They are: 1 washer 1 dryder 1 stove 2 refrigerators 1 dishwasher 2 freezers 1 hot water tank Failed Initiatives How often each major appliance is used: Stove: daily Dishwasher: daily Refrigerators: daily Freezers: daily Washer: weekly Dryder: weekly hot water tank: daily Lost Businesses Images of the major appliances in my house: Missed Opportunities Phantom power sources: 4 phone chargers the coffee pot screen the microwave clock 2 alarm clocks the phone dock for house phone 2 TV lights when TV is off 1 android box 2 tv reciever lights when reciever is off the amp light when it is off Takeaways Number of ceiling fans: 3 How often each are used: one ceiling fan is used daily and the other two are used seasonaly. Number of portable fans: 4 How often each is used: 2 fans are used daily and the other 2 are used seasonaly. Fans: The Appliances. The appliances and amount of each in each room. Proposal The Bedrooms: Initiative 1 My parents bedroom: 2 lights 1 scentsy 1 alarm clock Initiative 2 My bedroom: 2 lights 1 scentsy 1 phone charger 1 TV 1 ceiling fan and 1 portable fan 1 play station 1 TV reciever 1 android box 1 chrome cast 1 stereo system (amp speakers) Initiative 3 Spare bedroom: The spare bedroom only has 3 lights. One on the ceiling and 2 on each side of the bed. Things like phone chargers are only plugged in when there are people staying in that bedroom. A phone charger would only be plugged into that room either monthly or seasonaly. Risks Main Floor Rooms: Risk 1 The living room: 4 lights 1 TV 1 scentsy 1 DVD player 1 wifi router 1 TV reciever 1 laptop plug in 1 stereo with 3 different plug ins The living room also has a electric wall heater Risk 2 The kitchen: 1 oven 2 refrigerators 1 coffee pot 1 microwave 1 toaster 1 blender 2 lights + 1 stove light 1 dishwasher 1 kettle Risk 3 The dinning room: 1 ceiling fan 3 mini lights on the ceiling fan 1 electric heater 1 wifi extender Risk 3 The hallway: 3 lights 1 scentsy 1 phone 3 phone chargers 1 ceiling fan with 4 light bulbs on it 1 electric heater Risk 3 The workout gym: 1 stereo 2 lights which have 2 fluorescent light bubls in them each. ( they look like the school lights in classrooms) 1 CD player 1 alarm clock 1 portable fan used seasonaly 1 electric heater Benefits Let's Move Upstairs! Benefit 1 The CD room: 1 ceiling light with 2 light bubls in it. 1 CD player somtimes other speakers, record players or casset players are plugged in for short periods of time then unplugged when done. Benefit 2 The bathroom: 3 lights 1 scentsy 1 electric heater hair straightener and hair dryer used once a month. The Forecast Let's Go Downstairs! The Sales Funnel Basement: 1 washer machine 1 dryer machine 1 hot water tank (heater tank) 1 wood stove (furnace) 1 furnace fan for the wood stove 4 regualr lights 2 fluorescent lights A Bit About The House. Looking Inside! Losses What is the house made of and why? My house is made out of wood. The outside of the house is also wood. It has wooden siding. The house is made of wood because wood was the most common and reliable way to make a house back in the time it was made. Failed Initiatives The insulation type and why? In my house there is pink and yellow insulation. The yellow insulation is most common in the attic and in the basement. I have found some pink insulation in the basement too. It has pink insulation as the pink one keeps the wind from blowing through it and it is a fibreglass. The higher the R-value the more effective the insulation is. The R-value of the pink insulation is R-24. The R-value of the yellow insulation is about 3.14 per inch of thickness.

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